Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Working woman

It's official! I got the job at WATCH Resources, Inc. My first two days have been really great, but busy and tiring. There is so much to learn, and I'm grateful for the training that is going to be coming in the following weeks and months. It has been great to be able to work with the consumers...they have stolen my heart. It's very strange to be working again after so long, but it's great to be able to get back on a schedule. It's also nice because I will be able to support myself financially, and I haven't been able to do that in over a year. It's been difficult to have to depend on other people for things, especially things such as feminine products and clothing. Depending on people to buy your food has been difficult, too. It's very humbling, but makes you appreciate what you have. This experience of not being employed has helped me to understand a little bit what it's like for the unemployed who have to depend on others for everything they need. What other choice is there when you're doing what you can and yet still have nothing? I can't express enough my gratitude to those who have helped me over this last year or so with finances, places to live, clothing, food, transportation...."Thank you" isn't enough. I'm grateful to have you all in my life, because I know that some people don't have anyone.

I will say that out of this experience of having to depend on others, I have definitely learned a deeper dependence and reliance on God to provide. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.
I hope that, even as a working woman, I will not lose that healthy dependence I need. I have been craving independence for so long, because it's all I've known, but I've needed this time of dependence.

Pray that I don't lose the healthy dependence and that my dependence and neediness for God would only grow deeper. Also pray that I would learn quickly the things I need to for my job and that I would continue to follow God's leading.


Sunday, August 5, 2012


Today was a very significant day. It tied together the last 6 or so months of my life. 

The decision to be baptized had been in the making since July 18th. I received a voice mail that day from a woman who works at Sierra Bible Church, the church I'm attending here in CA. She told me about the baptism service being held on August 5th and wanted to know if I was interested in participating. At first, I dismissed her message, as I had been baptized before. But, as the day wore on, the thought of it wore on my mind. 

I had been baptized before, when I was in middle school or something, but I don't remember the date or year. It really didn't mean much to me then, either. But, the decision to be baptized today held much significance. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (NIV & NLT combined) This is me. I decided to be baptized today because it represents so much. So many things happened in my life in the time I spent at Mercy; my life was transformed there. God became real to me. I had always been a 'Christian', but, had I? I was so double-minded at times and my faith wavered. My walk with God was anything but stable. I was in and out, up and down. One day I hated Him, another I needed Him. I blamed Him for my pain, thinking He was the author of it. I didn't think He loved me and I didn't know who I was. 

But all that is changed now. I have always been redeemed, but I'm living like it now. Being baptized today was my declaration that I am, from this day on, living in the resurrection life that Jesus Christ died to give me. The old man really is gone. I am new! Before Mercy, I was dead. Now, I'm alive. 

I shouldn't have received that voice mail about baptism. I never filled anything about about being interested in baptism, nor did I say anything to anyone about it. But, I don't think it was a coincidence. No, with God, nothing is a coincidence. He ordained my baptism today.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Perspectives are an interesting thing. Each person has one, and it usually differs from that of another person. This is definitely a lesson I'm learning, as well as many others (Lessons).

I had an interview this morning. It was my second interview at WATCH Resources, Inc. I had a trial work day last Friday and it went very well. I loved it! Each one of the consumers that I worked with stole just a little piece of my heart. I didn't want the day to end, and when it did, I didn't want to leave. But the interview this morning was tough. I didn't think I did very well, and didn't feel too great about it when it was over.

And that's where this whole thing about perspectives comes into play. They set up another trial work day on Monday for me to work at their other location to see how I fit with it and it with me. They wouldn't have done that if they didn't think the interview went well. Luckily, our perspectives didn't match.

I'm very relieved, because I really want this job. With it, each day is going to have its own adventure. No day is going to be the same, and I love that about a job. I haven't been as excited about any other job as I am about this one. They told me I'm still about two more weeks out from knowing for sure that I'm hired and can start working, so I'm still in the waiting period. But, the two week delay will be good, because my roommate from sophomore year of college is coming from Iowa to visit for two weeks. I haven't seen her in a long time, so I'm very excited for her to come visit and to catch up with her.

It's been a very interesting and difficult week here. Some things happened on Monday that created a conflict and tension between me and my friend I'm living with. It was a very rough few days, as I was processing through the hurt and battling unforgiveness and not wanting to be here, as well as lies the enemy was telling me. Things are resolved now, I think, but I'm still walking on eggshells to be sure I don't set something else off. It reminds me somewhat of my situation at home. I never thought I'd be here again.

But it let me see perspective. When my friend shared her perspective about what happened, my eyes were opened to be able to see her side of the story. It helped me to understand a bit more why what happened happened, despite the fact that our perspectives differed.

It's important to see someone else's perspective, not just your own. Sometimes, I'm thankful for someone else's perspective.

In the midst of all of this, I'm praying that this job would be confirmation that I'm in the right place. When opposition hits you, it's very easy to doubt the place you're in. It's easy to run. I'm also trying to take each day one at a time, and not worry about tomorrow. I lose perspective when I try to look into the future, even if it is just tomorrow I'm looking at.

I would definitely appreciate your prayers as I continue to wrestle with being here, as well as for this job. Also, pray for friendships. We all long to be known, and it's hard right now to not really be known. But, thankfully, when no one else knows me, Jesus knows me.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The beginning

Last night I was talking to my friend's mom about how bad I felt for not being able to keep in touch with all of the people who have supported me in these last few years. (So, if you're reading this, that's you.) We talked about how life gets busy and most of you have kids and jobs and other things that make staying connected difficult. I mentioned sending out an email and just sending out a mass email every month or so when she suggested setting up a blog for the exact purpose. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. 

So, that is what this is. This way, there isn't any stress with trying to figure out schedules and time differences so that we can chat and catch up. And, we can stay connected. If you subscribe to this blog, you will receive an email notification in your inbox when I post something new.

You're probably wondering why I titled this blog 'Sojourner'. The dictionary's definition of sojourn is "to stay or reside (in a place) temporarily". I think that sums up the last few years of my life. Since college, I have come and gone from place to place, only ever staying temporarily. I'm in another temporary place as I write this, unsure as to how long I will be here.

So, I begin this tale from the mountains of California. I graduated from Mercy on May 31, 2012, and from there went home for about a week to pack up my things. I then went to Indianapolis to visit my best friend before flying out to CA on June 12th.

Since moving to CA, I have had two job interviews, one of which is looking very promising. If I get the job, I will be an instructor for adults with developmental disabilities, teaching them basic life skills to enable them to become more independent. I had a trial work day on Friday, and this next week I should be called in for a second interview. Hopefully, within the next week or two, I will have a job. 

It's been tough since coming here. I've wrestled with not wanting to be here and with my questions and doubts about whether or not this was the right door to walk through. God is faithful, however, and has put up with my questions and doubts and 'momentary freakouts'. He has shown me that I am in the right place, and I'm trying to walk in trust of that. It's a daily choice of whether to walk in my trust of Him or my understanding. 

I've gone back to the church I visited when I was here last summer and am trying to get involved. I have begun attending a college age small group and it has been great to meet people my own age. Hopefully, it will lead to friendships outside of the study.

I am also an official resident of CA. I applied for my CA driver's license on Tuesday and luckily passed the test. I was not informed about a test, and therefore did not study. I missed the maximum number of questions allowed to still pass: 6. Whew!

Well, I think that's about it for now. Pray for me as I wait to hear about this job. I really want it. Also pray that I would choose to walk in my trust and not my understanding. Also, pray for God's continual provision. 
